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Core Values

The driving force between everything we do at Fuel Church

We are here to make Jesus famous

Jesus is the center of all we do.

We are faith-filled and big thinking

We are bold about living out active faith.

We will lead the way with irrational generosity

We are a giving church that invests in others and in our community.

We believe lost people matter to God and therefore they matter to us

We value people and will do anything, short of sin, to bring them to the saving knowledge of who Jesus is.

We are contributors, not consumers

We take action and love to serve.

We believe the Church should be culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure

We pursue ongoing growth while keeping the Word of God the center of it all.

We believe life change happens best in community

We don't do life alone and pursue unity with one another.

We are a judgment-free zone

We are all about loving, encouraging, and accepting others right where they're at.

We are a diverse church culturally, economically & generationally

No matter where you come from, everyone has a place at Fuel Church.

We honor one another to glorify God

We are in this together.